The people who come up with the names of products can often times have a sense of humor. It is proven by the vast variety of products with bizarre and often funny names.
1. Jussipussi
This is an actual brand of bread from Finland.
2. Wack Off
This is an insect repellent used by the Australian armed forces.
3. Shitto
This is a hot spicy pepper sauce from Ghana that is widely popular and is supposed to have a great flavor.
4. Swine
This is a chocolate brand from China.
5. Ayds
This is a diet candy from the ‘80s that was soon taken off the market.
6. Ban Cock
This is a cockroach spray from India.
7. Pee Cola
I am sure that this might be popular in Ghana, but in other countries it might be another story.
8. Vergina
This is a lager beer from Greece.
9. Golden Gaytime
This is an ice cream brand from Australia that is widely popular throughout the continent.
10. Last Climax
This is a tissue brand name from Japan.
11. Libido
This is a soda product from China.
12. Homo Sausage
This is a product name for an East Asian fish sausage.
13. Zit
This is the name of the lemon lime Greek soft drink.
14. Pansy
This is the brand name for Chinese men’s underwear.
15. Pshhit
This is the brand name for a French soft drink.